Germany KEY DATES QUIZ a quiz testing you on very important dates in german history :) x IN THE 1900's 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEAll boards Created by: jessie traynerCreated on: 07-06-12 20:06 When was the armistice between germany and its allies? 1918 1 of 10 when was the Sparticist uprising? jan 1919 2 of 10 When was the treaty of versailles signed? 28th jun 1919 3 of 10 When was the Kapp putsch? march 1920 4 of 10 When did the french invade (and leave) the Ruhr? I=1923 L=1925 5 of 10 When did Italy invade Abyssinia? 1935 6 of 10 When did HITLER invade Poland? 1939 7 of 10 When was the Wall Street Crash? oct 1929 8 of 10 When was the nazi-soviet pact? 1939 9 of 10 when was kristalnacht? nov 1938 10 of 10
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