Germany's Golden Years 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryGCSEOCR Created by: HelenaCreated on: 17-05-13 09:59 April 1924 Dawes plan 1 of 8 DEcember 1924 Nazi vote 3-6% - Nazi wilderness years 2 of 8 February 1925 Ebert dies - Hindenburg becomes president 3 of 8 December 1925 Locarno Pact 4 of 8 1926 Germany joins the league of nations 5 of 8 1928 Kellogg-Briand pact. Rennouced war as a way of solving disputes 6 of 8 1929 The Youngs Paln. reduced reparations to just 2 billion from 6.6 billion, payed over 59 years 7 of 8 October 1929 Stresemann dies 8 of 8
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