Glands 0.0 / 5 ? MedicineHistologyUniversityNone Created by: Juliana_mpCreated on: 05-08-21 11:28 26475318 Across 1. Ducts of merocrine sweat glands (6, 6, 7) 5. Glands that secrete product through ducts (8) 6. Unicellular exocrine glands (6, 5) 8. Ducts not present in adults (6, 8) Down 2. Ducts of mammary glands (8, 8) 3. Pituitary, adrenal, thyroid and parathyroid are examples of ..... glands (9) 4. Ducts of intestinal glands (6, 7) 7. Ducts of mucus glands and in testes (8, 7)
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