The USA gives $50 million in security from 2010-2014.
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What are some of the issues in Honduras
High levels of violence, drug crimes, journalist killing, gang culture, discrimination and minima access to education and health care.
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What is being done for Honduras?
UN has sent a human right adviser to Honduras with aims to strengthen government institutions and strengthen human rights. Furthermore military and police also available if the Honduran government meet specific Human Rights stipulations.
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What are some oppertunties in education?
40% of population is under 15 so education programs help to meet MDG’s.
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What oppertunities are being created by goverments?
The USA, UN and Civil society are effectively implementing new food security programs. Also USAID is working in local communities to end poverty + enable communications.
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Card 2
How much aid does the USA provide?
The USA gives $50 million in security from 2010-2014.
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