sending money in payment or as a gift- migrants send remittances to their families at home
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Gross Domestic Product,the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
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Transnational corporations, an enterprise that controls assets of other entities in countries other than its home country, usually by owning a certain equity capital stake
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geographic distance becomes a factor of diminishing importance in the establishment and maintenance of croo-bored economic, political, socio-cultural, and environmental relations
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Free trade
no restrictions on imports/exports between countries
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General Agreements on Tariff and Trade
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Trade blocs
companies and countries that work together to bring greater economic strength for members
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taxes paid when importing or exporting services between countries
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AT Kearney index
measures level of globalisation of cities
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World cities
Have global influence
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Organisation of Petroleum Export Countries
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Global shift
physical movement of economic activity from developed countries to NIC's, and more recently RIC's and developing countries
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foreign direct investment
13 of 40
Shrinking world
developments in communications and transport meaning distance is no longer significant
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Spatial division of labour
The **** of manufacturing industries from advanced capitalist countries to developing countries
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Economic globalisation
Increased flows and exchanges of resources, goods, finances & services. Growth of global companies, global markets and finances
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Political globalisation
Growth of political links between countries e.g WTO
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Environmental globalisation
Growht in global environmental problems e.g WWF earth hour
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Cultural globalisation
Global dispersal of products & cultural ideas e.g Bindis at festivals
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Brandt line
line that divides the 'rich north' from the 'poor south'
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newly industrialised country
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recently industrialised country
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long term absolute decline in the manufacturing sector
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Can be provided from any location
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When TNC's contract another company to produce goods or provide services on their behalf
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Business process offshoring
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the movement of people INTO a country to settle
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the movement of people FROM a country
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Economic migrant
migrant whose primary motivation is money
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city with >10 mill people
30 of 40
Global hub cities
highly connected cities that are important by influence rather than population size
31 of 40
Cultural diffusion
spread of global culture
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progress made by a country over time taking into account economy, human, social and environmental aspects
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Development gap
gap between the 'haves' and 'have nots'
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Sustainable development
development that meets the needs of the present without hindering the ability of future generations to meet their needs
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human development index
36 of 40
environmental performance index
37 of 40
Gender inequality index
38 of 40
KOF index
measure of globalisation in terms of political, social and economical factors
39 of 40
Tertiary sector
selling of services and skills e.g call centres
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Gross Domestic Product,the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
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