How modern culture spreads-via media, TNCs and the internet
Soft Power
3 of 34
The absolute long term decline in manufacturing in a region
4 of 34
Jobs in the service sector
Tertiary Sector
5 of 34
A business that is not geographically tied to a location and can locate anywhere
Footloose Industry
6 of 34
Getting a third party to produce part of your business
7 of 34
Outsourcing to an overseas location
8 of 34
The movement of economic activity from developed to developing countries (west to east)
Global Shift
9 of 34
Recently industrialised country-began its industrialisation in the 70s+80s
10 of 34
Newly industrialised Country-began its industrialisation in the 50s+60s
11 of 34
The cheapest location available to produce a product
Least Cost Location
12 of 34
Migrants moving IN to a county
13 of 34
Migrants moving OUT of a county
14 of 34
A migrant who is moving purely for financial reasons to find new employment
Economic Migrant
15 of 34
A city with over 10 million people in it
16 of 34
A city with a global influence based off function rather than population size
Global Hub City
17 of 34
Due to technology advances, distant places feel closer
Shrinking World
18 of 34
Groups of countries that have grouped together for the purpose of trading
Trade Bloc
19 of 34
Index that measures level of globalisation in cities
AT Kearney Index
20 of 34
The practice by TNCs of moving low skilled work abroad to places where labour costs are low
Spatial Division of Labour
21 of 34
A process in which geographical distance becomes a matter of diminishing importance in the establishment and maintenance of cross-border economic, political, socio-cultural and environmental relations
22 of 34
They encourage and persuade developing countries to embrace free market economies and globalisatrion
World Trade Organisation
23 of 34
Index of globalisation that takes into account political, social and economic factors
KOF Index
24 of 34
Little or no restrictions on imports/exports between countries
Free Trade
25 of 34
A financial "injection" by a TNC into a country's economy
Foreign Direct Investment
26 of 34
Allowing free trade in SEZ to encourage foreign/TNC investment
China's Open Door Policy
27 of 34
A company that operates across many countries for production/sales
Trans National Cooperation
28 of 34
Money that flows between countries sent home from migrants
29 of 34
When two countries become completely dependant on each other, either as a result of financial or political connections
Global Interdependence
30 of 34
Growth of political links between countries. Growth of global political powers
Political GTlobalisation
31 of 34
Global dispersal of products and cultural ideas
Cultural Globalisation
32 of 34
Growth in global environmental problems and widespread industrial pollution. Development of global environmental campaigns, policies and solutions.
Environmental Globalisation
33 of 34
Increased flows and exchanges of good, resources, finace and services. Growth of global companies, global markets and global finance
Economic Globalisation
34 of 34
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The forced spread of a culture
Cultural Imperialism
Card 3
How modern culture spreads-via media, TNCs and the internet
Card 4
The absolute long term decline in manufacturing in a region
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