Management of hypo if the patient is concious and can swollow
Give sugary drink
Dextrose tablets
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Management of a hypo if the patient is not cooperative but able to swallow
Administer 1 to 2 tubes of glucose gel
IV glucose
IM glucagon
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What is a Hyper
high blood glucose
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if the bm is 7.8 to 11.1 what does this indicate
the patient is at risk of diabetes type 2 or has nondiabetic hyperglycaemia
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if the patient has no symptoms of diabetes but the bm is higher than... what should happen
they should be refered to a GP
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What is DKA
Diabetic Ketoacidosis
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This is caused by what
The lack of insulin means glucose cannot be uptaken from the blood, forcing the blood to use other sources.
Ketones are produced as a by product
Accumulation of ketones lead to metabolic acidosis
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