Glycolysis 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyGlycolysisUniversityNone Created by: Luna AbdulCreated on: 16-01-18 21:15 Glucose transporter for basal metabolic rate GLUT3 1 of 24 Substrate for Aldolase Glyceraldehyde3phosphate 2 of 24 Substrate for Enolase 2Phosphoglycerate 3 of 24 3rd Regulatory enzyme in the process Pyruvatekinase 4 of 24 Number of phosphates in Fructose 1,6-Bisphsopholycerate Two 5 of 24 Number of carbons in Pyruvate Three 6 of 24 Organelle responsible for glycolysis Mitochondria 7 of 24 Product of the reaction catalyzed by Triose phosphate isomeraze Dihydroxyacetone3phosphate 8 of 24 Main site for glycogen storage Liver 9 of 24 Organ responsible for glucose regulation Pancreas 10 of 24 Cells responsible for release of Insulin hormone beta cells 11 of 24 Disease caused by lack/degeneration of beta cells Diabetes 12 of 24 Type of inhibition performed by Fructose 6-phosphate Feedback 13 of 24 Process of forming glucose from non-carbohydrate precursors Gluconeogenesis 14 of 24 Net production of ATP molecules produced in Glycolysis Two 15 of 24 Type of Enzyme mechanism utilised by Triose Phosphate Isomerase Acid-Base Catalysis 16 of 24 Amino Acid Residue acting as a base in the active site of Triose Phosphate Isomerase Glutamate-345 17 of 24 Number of carbons in Glucose Six 18 of 24 What type of sugar is glucose Hexose 19 of 24 Type of glucose found in starch alpha 20 of 24 Amylopectin and what make up starch Amylose 21 of 24 Bonding present in cellulose that contributes to its high tensile strength Hydrogen 22 of 24 Number of non reversible steps in Glycolysis Three 23 of 24 Main coenzyme used by metabolites to transport protons NAD 24 of 24
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