GMedia keywords (A) 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesKeywordsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ShadowCreated on: 21-11-20 13:04 A method classification is devised by the government and targets the audience. Based on occupation, financial factors and education. ABC 1 of 16 Audience view passive recipients as media messages. Passive 2 of 16 Audiences actively control and select media texts according to their own needs and desires. Active 3 of 16 Two step flow model Semi active 4 of 16 Different types of techniques to make their products appeal to the audience. Advertising 5 of 16 Responsible for regulating advertisements in the UK Advertising standards authority 6 of 16 News media control and select issues to cover their product. Agenda setting 7 of 16 Repetition of the same sound at the beginning of two or more words. Alliteration 8 of 16 Advertisements work in four stages AIDA 9 of 16 Media counter to mainstream Alternative media 10 of 16 Repetition of the same vowel sound in a phrase. Assonance 11 of 16 Use of words In a caption hole or limit a meaning of an image. Anchorage 12 of 16 Being spontaneous Astro turfing 13 of 16 What the audience expects to see Audience expectations 14 of 16 Pleasure what the audience solves in a text Audience gratification 15 of 16 How texts are constructed in ways to position audiences to adapt a particular perspective. Audience position 16 of 16
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