Good & Evil 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGood & EvilGCSEOCR Created by: h.b22Created on: 30-06-16 09:14 What is the Garden of Eden ? A paradise with no pain or suffering 1 of 10 What happened when Adam & Eve disobeyed God ? They fall from the garden of evil because Adam and Eve went against God. 2 of 10 What have we been given from Adam & Eve ? Original Sin 3 of 10 Defeine Evil Evil is something that results in pain or suffering. 4 of 10 What is Natural Evil ? Is suffering that is not caused by humans but by nature and that we cannot control such as earthquakes. 5 of 10 What is Moral Evil ? Is action caused by humans that causes suffering. 6 of 10 What does omnipotent mean ? All powerful 7 of 10 What does omnibenevolent mean ? All loving 8 of 10 Why might Christian say that God lets us suffer ? ⚫️ Suffering is necessary part of life ⚫️ To test our faith ⚫️ Humans have free will ⚫️ Suffering of Jesus christ 9 of 10 Who is the devil ? He is from luicfer and tempt Adam and Eve to eat apple from the tree 10 of 10
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