GOOD AND EVIL REVISION 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEAQA Created by: coventry cityCreated on: 03-03-22 13:56 Good That which is morally right, beneficial and to our advantage. 1 of 17 Evil That which is extremely immoral, wicked and wrong. 2 of 17 Forgiveness To grant pardon for a wrongdoing; to give up resentment and the desire to seek revenge against a wrongdoer. 3 of 17 Free will The ability to make choices voluntarily and independently. The belief that nothing is pre-determined. 4 of 17 Justice Fairness; where everyone has equal provisions and opportunity. 5 of 17 Morality Principles and standards determining which actions are right or wrong. 6 of 17 Punishment A penalty given to someone for a crime or wrong they have done. 7 of 17 Sin Deliberate immoral action, breaking a religious or moral law. 8 of 17 Suffering Pain caused by injury, illness or loss. Can be physical, emotional/psychological or spiritual. 9 of 17 Conscience An inner voice which keeps a person on the right track; a sense of right and wrong; an instinct (maybe from G-d). 10 of 17 Utilitarianism The belief that a good act is one that brings the greatest good for the greatest number. The principle of the greatest happiness. 11 of 17 Reformer Someone who lobbies or pressurises for change. 12 of 17 Quaker A Christian denomination whose central belief is that every human contains a reflection of the image of G-d. 13 of 17 Parole Officer A person who supports a prisoner on their release from prison and their return to the community. 14 of 17 Exoneration When a conviction for a crime is reversed, either because the prisoner is innocent or there was an error with the trial. 15 of 17 Beatitudes The blessings listed by Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount. 16 of 17 Original sin The first sin committed when Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. This brought sin and evil into the world. 17 of 17
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