Government objectives 0.0 / 5 ? EconomicsGovernment objectivesGCSEAQA Created by: tinybird47Created on: 05-03-19 12:57 An objective that is viewed as less important in recent years and involves the current account Ballance Of Payments 1 of 10 Meaning that households have similar incomes Equitable distrubution of income 2 of 10 This is objective measured usind CPI price stability 3 of 10 The persistant fall in the price level of goods deflation 4 of 10 This objective wants to reduce the numer of peopel out of work and is measured using the claimant count low unemployment 5 of 10 An increase is GDP of a county would cause this objective to be acheived economic growth 6 of 10 The average _____ _____ of a range of goods and services at a given point of time measures inflation price level 7 of 10 What percentage does the government aim for inflation annually? 2% 8 of 10 A type of infaltion caused by a lack of supply cost-push inflation 9 of 10 A type of inflation cause by a unsteady rise in aggregate demand outcomepting the availiabity of aggregate supply demand-pull inflation 10 of 10
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