GP1.1 - Democracy&Participation - Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsDemocracyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: HannahB1706Created on: 18-03-19 16:39 Representative Demoacracy The people elect a representative on their behalf e.g. MP's 1 of 12 Direct Democracy Decisions made direct by the people, active e.g. referendums, inititatives 2 of 12 Legitimacy The legal right to make a decision and take action, elected OR regimented 3 of 12 Mandate The legitimacy given to carry out promised action, usually through election 4 of 12 The franchise Those with the right to vote 5 of 12 Suffrage The right to vote 6 of 12 Democratic deficit Undemocratic processes or elected officials not effectively being held to account 7 of 12 Participation crisis A lack of participation leading to the legitimacy of democracy being undermined 8 of 12 Pressure Group Organisations putting pressure on those in power to achieve their aims 9 of 12 Sectional Pressure Group Groups campaigning for the interest of one section of society 10 of 12 Causal Pressure Group Groups that campaign for an issue effecting all of society or on behalf of others 11 of 12 Insider v Outsider Pressure Group In - Works with members of the government or has a direct voice. Outsider - Campaign from the outside, usually on purpose 12 of 12
A2 Politics GOV3A Voting Behaviour Revision Guide (AQA) 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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