Grammar 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LanguageGrammarASNone Created by: Callamhand9898Created on: 05-04-16 12:37 Interrogatives Form of questions 1 of 24 Declaratives A statement 2 of 24 Exclamatory Exclamation mark 3 of 24 Attributive adjective Gives an object a quality (fashionable outfit) 4 of 24 Imperative A command 5 of 24 Evalulative Adjective Opinion of noun (Happy kid) 6 of 24 Comparative Adjective End in -er (nicer) 7 of 24 Superlative Adjective End in -est (nicest) 8 of 24 Abstract Noun Emotions (fear) 9 of 24 Personal Pronoun I, You, We, Us 10 of 24 Reflexive Pronoun Yourself, Myself 11 of 24 Possessive Pronoun Mine, yours, theirs 12 of 24 Modal Verbs Obligation, permission, possibility, prediction, possibility (will,may,could,must) 13 of 24 Adverb of Manner How something is done (Quickly, nervously) 14 of 24 Adverb of Time When something is done (today, tomorrow) 15 of 24 Adverb of Place Where the object is (downstairs, upstairs) 16 of 24 Adverb of Frequency How often something is done (weekly, daily) 17 of 24 Past tense -ed Inflection 18 of 24 Present tense -ing inflection 19 of 24 Future tense Am going to 20 of 24 Active Voice Subject appears at the start of the sentence (I played the xbox) 21 of 24 Passive Voice Subject appears at the end (The xbox was played by me) 22 of 24 Synthetic Personalisation Qualities of readers are predicted and language is adapted to it 23 of 24 Semantic Field Semantic field of football, gaming, racism 24 of 24
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