Graphics 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? Design & Technology: GraphicsGCSEAQA Created by: myerCreated on: 22-04-13 10:27 What type of answers do you NOT give when answering specification? Single worded 1 of 8 Give an enironmental issue recycling OR substanable recorce 2 of 8 what material do you use for the packaging? carton board OR fluted board 3 of 8 what do you evaluate against? specification 4 of 8 what is thermo setting plastic? a plastic can't be molded again 5 of 8 what is thermo plastic? a plastic that can be molded again 6 of 8 what printing progress does fluted board go through? lithogary 7 of 8 one advantage of fluted board... cheap 8 of 8
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