"What a grotesque thing a rose is." Nick narrating on Gastby's death. Chapter 8.
Grotesque-Gothic evoking. Expectation V Reality. Things become deformed on closer inspection. Grotesq. repeated in novel (Chap.2, Valley of Ashes). Rose a metaphor for Gastby's dream/American Dream? Psychoana-Fitzgerald writing for money.
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The symbol of the mantleclock in chapter 5. "Caught it with trembling fingers...we all believed...it had smahsed to pieces on the floor"
The theme of time. Mantleclock is old=Dream is long gone. Gatsby's fault the clock falls. Saved=Gatsby clinging to the past, obsesison. Belief the clock is broken=Futility in Gastby's dream.
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"He was running down like an overwound clock" Chapter 5
This is Gatsby's real emotions. Simile references time (Down=he is running out of time). Foreshadows the tragedy ahead. Down not up.
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"God sees everything"..."That's an advertisment." Chapter 8, Wilson and Michaelis
Eyes of T.J.Eckleberg=God. Witness to Myrtle's death but cannot act (Like reader, Nick/Fitzgerald?) Wilson's worship of ad=moral degredation/consumerism of 1920s. Modern relation. Is God vengeful?
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"I want to get one of those dogs...They're nice to have-a dog." Chapter 2, Myrtle
Impersonal verbs "To have/To Get". Dogs are a committment and a life. Materialism. Capitalistic greed. Do women in the novel love or want?
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"Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known." Chapter 3, Nick
Nick is Fitzgerald? Theme of honesty? Can we trust him if he claims it himself (Tell Tale Heart). Few- hyperbole. novel full of liars. Cardinal-Honesty=religion
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"Can't repeat the past? Why, of course you can!" Gatsby-Chapter 6
Lots of optimism here. Rhetorical followed by exclamative echoes ideas of motivational speech, but Gatsby talking about an impossible thing.
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"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year receeds before us." Nick-Chapter 9.
Meaning of the green light to Nick. Orgastic= Pure pleasure. Gatsby wanted the future he saw in the Green light. Connotations of green-wealth, nature, greed?
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"as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again" Nick on Daisy's voice, Chapter 1
Simile used by Fitzgerald makes Daisy's voice compared to Jazz, which was often improvised in the 1920s. Suggests the impermenance of her nature and how her intentions change easily?
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"Her voice is full of money" He said suddenly." Gatsby-Chapter 7
Gatsby hits the nail on the head. Daisy's materialism consumes even the way she speaks. This is the moment Gatsby loses the illusion he conceives of Daisy.
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"the compressed heat exploded into sound and we were listening to the portentous chords of Mendelssohn’s Wedding March from the ballroom below." Nick-Chapter 7
A wedding occuring as Tom learns of Daisy and Gatsby's fling. Contrast shows the broken union and happiness in Tom. Summer heat builds tension w/ pathetic fallacy
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Geography: NYC. West Egg, East Egg, Valley of Ashes.
Geography mirrors the wealth/class division. Similar to Disraeli's "Two nations: The rich and the poor."
Grotesque-Gothic evoking. Expectation V Reality. Things become deformed on closer inspection. Grotesq. repeated in novel (Chap.2, Valley of Ashes). Rose a metaphor for Gastby's dream/American Dream? Psychoana-Fitzgerald writing for money.
Card 4
The theme of time. Mantleclock is old=Dream is long gone. Gatsby's fault the clock falls. Saved=Gatsby clinging to the past, obsesison. Belief the clock is broken=Futility in Gastby's dream.
Card 5
This is Gatsby's real emotions. Simile references time (Down=he is running out of time). Foreshadows the tragedy ahead. Down not up.
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