greek medicine
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- Created by: c.gwinnell
- Created on: 31-12-16 14:27
what was Asclepion?
an ancient Greek temple where yoy prayed to a God to help heal you from illness and disabilities e.g. blindness
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what is an example of a visit to a greek temple?
you put your offerings on the table for the gods and the temple priests put out the lights and you went to sleep. the God would go to each patient looking at each disease. the gods may make an oinment or cream
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an example to use in an exam for how religion influenced medicine...
visit to temple-the gods got spoke to his snakes and then the priestess covered the mans head and the snakes licked the mans eyelids. Plutus (the man) was healed when he awoke.
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what did the greeks base their theories on?
the humours
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why did the greeks consider a natural explanation?
they didn'y want to base everything on the spirit gods. the theory of four humours is based on observations.
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explain the four humours
it was a theory in which people believed you had four humours and when youy were ill it was because they were out of balance so when you went to see a doctor they tried all to rebalance them through several techniques.
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what were the four humours and in which season did they show?
winter=phlegm spring=blood summer=yellow bile autumn=black bile
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whay symptoms did you get for each humour?
phlegm=sneezing, colds blood=dysentery, nose bleeds yelloe blie=fevers, sick, yellow skin black bile=dry skin vomiting
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how did the greeks treat you if you had too much phlegm?
have a hot bath (for the steam)
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how did the greeks treatyou if you had too much blood?
they drained a cup of blood from your body (this is called purging)
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what did the greeks do to prevent illness?
healthy diet, lots of rest and personal hygiene is key (only basics)
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what was the Greeks attitude to relying on gods for a reason for illness?
foolish and stupid but if all else fails pray to the gods for help
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what was a philosopher?
someone who spends time thinking - greeks had a lot of these
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what did Alexandria have that helped medicine progress?
library and university
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who supplied medical writings to Alesxandria?
india, china, mesopotamia, egypt and greece
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what did herophilus discover?
thaat the brain controlledthe body and he did this by performing human dissections
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what was Erasistratus' theory?
that the heart was a pump that pumped blood around the body. he believed it had four valves that were one way only
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whay was Erasistratus' theory rejected?
it contradicted the popular idea of the four humours
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how long did it take for Erasistratus' theory to be proven right?
1800 years
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why did wartime wounds help advance medicine?
they needed treatment so people guessed and learnt what worked and what didn't. also meant doctors learnt more about anatomy
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greek philosophers spent ime thinking why?
the rich were mainly philosophers as the employed servants so they had time to sit and think because they were fascinated by the world and how it works and why things happened.
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why were medical intruments improving?
becuase improvements were being made in the hardness and strength of metal. furthermore trade helped advance them
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who lived longer poor or rich? why?
similarly to the egyptians the poor suffered short live due to lack of food and couldn't afford any kind of treatment. however the rich lived longer as they could afforf plenty of food and treatments and had easier lives as they may employ servants
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who developed the idea of the four humours?
Hippocrates, the theory was wrong but dominated treatments for centuries
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what is the Hippocratic Oath?
the idea that doctors keep up high standards for the benefit of patients not for money. this is still used today.
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hippocrates and other doctors/philosopher recorded symptoms and development of disease within patients, what were the benefits of this?
if they took their time they could find the right cure and would help diagnosis of future patients
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what did hippocrates encourage instead of going to the gods for help?
look for natural treatments and reasons
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what are the Hippocrates collection?
a collection of books that were used for centuries that contained the first list of symptoms and treatments that Hippocrates wrote
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how did trade help the greeks get new ideas?
as the greek empire grew the trade network expanded and new ideas travelled across the trade routes which meant the greeks learnt theories and ideas from cultures and civilization from far away
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what are the onservation techniques?
1) inspecting urine 2) inspecting faeces 3) feeling temperature 4) listeneing to breathing 5) asking patient questions
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what is prognosis?
when doctors simply gave advice on how disease might develop
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what did they use to clear bowels?
herbs and herbal remedies
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what did the greeks say you do in winter to keep your bodies hot and dry?
eat as much as possible but drink little
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to keep your bodies cold and mosit in summer what should you do?
drink plenty and eat little
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is an example of a visit to a greek temple?
you put your offerings on the table for the gods and the temple priests put out the lights and you went to sleep. the God would go to each patient looking at each disease. the gods may make an oinment or cream
Card 3
an example to use in an exam for how religion influenced medicine...

Card 4
what did the greeks base their theories on?

Card 5
why did the greeks consider a natural explanation?

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