
  • Created by: evedav223
  • Created on: 28-12-17 15:20
How does Schuermanns disease present?
history of deformity- Activity related pain, less when rested - muscle stiffness-
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What is the mechanism of Schuermanns disease ?
The cause is not currently known, and the condition appears to be multifactoral. a "developmental" type of kyphosis, meaning that it occurs during growth. Can be linked gentetically (Fotiadis et al 2008)Osteochondritis can also be a factor
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Subjective assesment- What information do you require about Schuermanns disease ?
Symptoms- Location- Pain scale- Anything that makes it worse/better? Arm above the head worsens- Refferal patterns? C5,6,7 involved there is pain in the side of the neck refers to face- Altered sensation- SIN FACTOR- Breathing/Digestive
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What information do you require about the history of the present condition?
History of injury- How long for? Sudden? Over time worsens? Mechanism? Age related?
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What information do you require about past medical history of the present condition?
Previous Head injury- 5D'S- VBI- Rule out- Fracture- Tumour- RA/OA/ -Cauda Equina- THREAD- MRI/XRAY
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What medication do you need to be aware about in Schuermanns disease ?
Medication? Type? Dosage? Over counter/Prescribed
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Objective- What observations are relevant in Schuermanns disease ?
Scapula elevated?- May have Posture- Altered? Paleness around area- Atrophy of scalenes- palpation- Temp changes, tenderness over scalenes, traps,
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What myotome tests would be used in Schuermanns disease ?
Typically TOS does not follow a dermatomal or myotomal pattern unless there is nerve root involvement- C7- Resisted elbow flexion RULE OUT NERVE
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What dermatome tests would be used in Schuermanns disease ?
Typically TOS does not follow a dermatomal or myotomal pattern unless there is nerve root involvement- c7- Middle finger- c6 thumb RULE OUT NERVE
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What reflex test would be used in Schuermanns disease ?
Triceps- C7
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What special tst is used in Schuermanns disease ?
Fernàndez et al 2016- Roos test: the patient has arms at 90° abduction and the therapist puts downwards pressure on the scapula as the patient opens and closes the fingers. If the TOS symptoms are reproduced within 90 seconds, the test is positive.
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Card 2


What is the mechanism of Schuermanns disease ?


The cause is not currently known, and the condition appears to be multifactoral. a "developmental" type of kyphosis, meaning that it occurs during growth. Can be linked gentetically (Fotiadis et al 2008)Osteochondritis can also be a factor

Card 3


Subjective assesment- What information do you require about Schuermanns disease ?


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Card 4


What information do you require about the history of the present condition?


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Card 5


What information do you require about past medical history of the present condition?


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