Guerres, révoltes et conflits 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? FrenchGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ChloeGobellCreated on: 29-12-15 11:14 un conflit conflict 1 of 49 un incident incident 2 of 49 un mal (des maux) trouble, evil, pain 3 of 49 un dieu god 4 of 49 le pouvoir power 5 of 49 le champ de bataille the battle field 6 of 49 une guerre mondiale world war 7 of 49 une doctrine doctrine 8 of 49 la grève strike 9 of 49 la paix peace 10 of 49 la contestation protest 11 of 49 la pensée thinking/thought 12 of 49 la certitude certainty 13 of 49 la quête (de) quest (for) 14 of 49 l'agitation turmoil 15 of 49 les barricades barricades 16 of 49 les mœurs customs, morals 17 of 49 les paroles lyrics 18 of 49 stupéfait surprised 19 of 49 méprisé despised 20 of 49 mécontent unhappy, displeased 21 of 49 paralysé paralysed 22 of 49 responsable (de) responsible (for) 23 of 49 athée atheist 24 of 49 émouvant moving, touching 25 of 49 sophistiqué sophisticated 26 of 49 audacieux bold, fearless 27 of 49 au lendemain de on the day after 28 of 49 d'avant-garde cutting edge 29 of 49 concerner to interest, to feel concern 30 of 49 protester (contre) to protest (against) 31 of 49 saigner to bleed 32 of 49 s'engager to enrol 33 of 49 trouver la mort to die 34 of 49 descendre dans la rue to take to the streets 35 of 49 réclamer to demand 36 of 49 contester to object to challenge 37 of 49 lutter (pour/contre) to fight (for/against) 38 of 49 gagner to reach, spread to, overcome 39 of 49 accuser to accuse 40 of 49 bouleverser to disrupt, change dramatically 41 of 49 jouer un rôle to play a role 42 of 49 porter un regard (sur) to pass judgement (on) 43 of 49 soulever ls question to raise the question 44 of 49 se révolter (contre) to rebel (against) 45 of 49 se battre to fight 46 of 49 se sentir to feel 47 of 49 se mobiliser to rally, to mobilise 48 of 49 s'avérer to prove to be 49 of 49
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