Halogenation QUIZ ALL ABOUT HALOGENTATION REACTION. 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Marnie BickettCreated on: 03-04-13 19:58 Benzene will react with halogens, but what else is needed present? Catalyst 1 of 7 What are the catalysts needed for halogenation called? Halogencarrier 2 of 7 Which metal other than IRON, are the catalysts usually made up of? Aluminium 3 of 7 Br+ and Cl+ are strong enough to react with benzene, what are they referred to as? Electrophiles 4 of 7 Is the HALOGENATION reaction electrophilic (addition), or electrophilic (substitution)? Substitution 5 of 7 What catalyst would Halogenation with 'chlorine' use? AlCl3 6 of 7 A product formed during Halogenation to prove that substitution is occuring, what is this? Whitefumes 7 of 7
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