Hamlet Quotes
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- Created by: Camay
- Created on: 16-05-18 19:12
"Seems, madam!...
...Nay, it is; I know not 'seems' " - Hamlet to Gertrude. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
1 of 40
"This above all...
...to thine own self be true" -Polonius to Laertes. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
2 of 40
"O villain villain...
...smiling damned villain" -Hamlet about Claudius. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
3 of 40
"As I perchance hereafter shall think meet...
...to put an antic disposition on" - Hamlet to Horatio and Marcellus. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality, Maddness
4 of 40
"I am but mad north-north west...
...when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw" -Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. Theme(s): Maddness
5 of 40
"I essentially am not in maddness...
...but mad in craft" -Hamlet to Gertrude. Theme(s): Maddness
6 of 40
"Something is rotten...
...in the state of Denmark" -Marcellus to Horatio. Theme(s): Corruption
7 of 40
"How weary, stale...
...flat and unprofitable seems to me all the uses of this world!" -Hamlet in his first soliloquy. Theme(s): Melancholy
8 of 40
"Fie on't! Ah...
...fie! 'Tis an unweeded garden" -Hamlet in his first soliloquy. Theme(s): Corruption
9 of 40
...a prison" - Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. Theme(s): Corruption
10 of 40
"The serpent that did...
...sting thy father's life now wears his crown" - Ghost. Theme(s): Betrayal, Corruption
11 of 40
"By indirections...
...find directions out" -Polonius about Laertes. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality, Betrayal
12 of 40
"And there is a kind of...
...confession in your looks which your modesties have not craft enough to colour" -Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
13 of 40
"She married...
...O most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets" -Hamlet in his first soliloquy, about Gertrude. Theme(s): Women, Sex
14 of 40
"Though this be...
...maddness, yet there is method in't" -Polonius about Hamlet. Theme(s): Maddness
15 of 40
...thy name is woman" -Hamlet about Gertrude. Theme(s): Women
16 of 40
"Put on him what forgeries...
...you please; marry none so rank as may dishonor him" - Polonius about Laertes. Theme(s): Betrayal, Appearance vs Reality
17 of 40
"What a piece...
...of work is a man!" -Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. Theme(s): Melancholy
18 of 40
"The play's the thing...
...wherein I'll catch the conscious of the king" - Hamlet in third soliloquy. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
19 of 40
"The harlot's cheek, beautied with plastering art...
...than is my deed to my most painted word" -Claudius in an aside. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
20 of 40
"Get thee...
...to a nunnery - why wouldst thou be a breeder of sinners?" -Hamlet to Ophelia. Theme(s): Sex
21 of 40
"Here is your husband...
...like a mildewed ear blasting his wholesome brother" -Hamlet to Gertrude. Theme(s): Corruption
22 of 40
"And for the day confined to fast...
...in fires, till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away" - Ghost to Hamlet. Theme(s) - Corruption, Revenge
23 of 40
"With witchcraft of his wits...
...with traitorous gifts, o wicked wit" - Ghost to Hamlet. Theme(s) - Appearance vs Reality
24 of 40
"Though be a spirit of health or goblin damned...
...bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell" - Hamlet about Ghost. Theme(s) - Uncertainty
25 of 40
"Revenge his foul...
...and most unnatural murder" -Ghost to Hamlet. Theme(s) - Revenge
26 of 40
"Madness in great ones...
...may not unwatched go" - Claudius to Polonius. Theme(s) - Maddness
27 of 40
"The lady doth...
...protest too much methinks" - Gertrude to Hamlet about the Queen player
28 of 40
"Oh my offence is rank...
...it smells to heaven" - Claudius in his soliloquy. Theme(s) - Corruption
29 of 40
"When he is drunk asleep or in his rage...
...or in th'incestuous pleasures of his bed" - Hamlet about Claudius. Theme(s) - Revenge
30 of 40
"Oh speak to me no more...
...these words like daggers enter in my ears" - Gertrude to Hamlet.
31 of 40
"Confess yourself to heaven...
...repent what's past, avoid whats to come" - Hamlet to Gertrude.
32 of 40
"I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers...
...could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum" - Hamlet about Ophelia at funeral.
33 of 40
"I have heard of your paintings well enough...
...God hath given you one face and you make yourself another" - Hamlet to Ophelia. Theme(s) - Appearance vs Reality, Women
34 of 40
Let not the royal bed of Denamark be...
...a couch for luxury and damned incest" - The Ghost to Hamlet. Theme(s) - Sex, Corruption
35 of 40
"The funeral baked meats did...
...coldly furnish the marriage tables" - Hamlet to Horatio, about Gertrude and Claudius' marriage.
36 of 40
"The chariest maid is prodigal enough...
...if she unmask her beauty to the moon" - Laertes to Ophilea, about her love to Hamlet. Theme(s) - Sex, Virtue
37 of 40
"Now i could drink...
...hot blood" - Hamlet in soliloquy Act 3 scene 3. Theme(s) - Revenge
38 of 40
"Let me be cruel, not unnatural...
...I will speak daggers to her but use none" - Hamlet in soliloquy Act 3 scene 3.
39 of 40
"We know what we are...
...but not what we may be" - Ophelia when she is mad. Theme(s) Madness
40 of 40
Other cards in this set
Card 2
...to thine own self be true" -Polonius to Laertes. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality
"This above all...
Card 3
...smiling damned villain" -Hamlet about Claudius. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality

Card 4
...to put an antic disposition on" - Hamlet to Horatio and Marcellus. Theme(s): Appearance vs Reality, Maddness

Card 5
...when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw" -Hamlet to Rosencrantz and Guildernstern. Theme(s): Maddness

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