Hardware and software 0.0 / 5 ? ICTSociety and Uses of ICTGCSENone Created by: Simona PlamenovaCreated on: 09-11-15 15:03 I type of this piece of equipment Keyboard 1 of 10 The main circuit board of a computer motherboard 2 of 10 An input device that can convert printed text or graphics into computer files Scanner 3 of 10 Devise used to feed data to the computer input 4 of 10 a type of device that shows processed information output 5 of 10 One million operations per second, a measure of CPU speed. Megahertz 6 of 10 A device for converging digital computer data to analog phone signals, and vise versa Modem 7 of 10 An output device that produces output on paper printer 8 of 10 An output devise that displays information on screen monitor 9 of 10 Brain of the computer CPU 10 of 10
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