
  • Created by: Michelle
  • Created on: 12-05-13 18:15
What was Haydn?
Composer and pianist
1 of 41
How many symphonies did Haydn write?
2 of 41
Who brought Haydn to London?
Johann Peter Salomon
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When was music booming in London?
Late 1700s
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Why was music booming in the late 1700s?
Due to the increasingly wealthy middle classes and the industrial revolution
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What had London become...?
A melting-pot of cultural life
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What form is this movement in?
Sonata form
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What is meant monothematic?
One theme, altering the structure of sonata form
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What devices are used? Give at least 2
Motifs, Pedals, Imitation and Repeating theme
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What is the tonality of this piece?
Eb major
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What does 'Allegro con spirit' mean?
Lively with spirit
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What is the first piece of the structure in this piece?
A theme/Exposition
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What key is the Exposition in?
Eb major
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What calls to attention?
Horn calls
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What does the main theme develop into?
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What does this section briefly modulate to?
F minor
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What device is used?
Sustained pedals
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What does the imitation do to the texture?
Makes it polyphnic
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What comes after the A theme/Exposition 1st subject
B episode/Exposition 2nd subject
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What key is this section in?
Bb major
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What does the rhythm in the violins change to?
Calm crotchet rythm
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What is also adding harmony in the violin part?
Double and triple stopping
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What note does the pedal play?
Bb major
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What comes after the B theme/Exposition 2nd subject?
A theme/Exposition 1st subject
24 of 41
What key is this in?
Eb major
25 of 41
What returns (think of section)
The main theme
26 of 41
What is different about the pedal used?
It's inverted a in the calrinet
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What comes after this final exposition?
C Episode/Development
28 of 41
What key is this in?
C minor
29 of 41
What sort of imitation is used?
30 of 41
How are the entries harmonised?
In thirds
31 of 41
What instruments are absent in this development section? And why is this?
Brass and Timpini - Due to their liitations
32 of 41
What is the full return marked as?
33 of 41
What comes after the Development?
34 of 41
What key is the recapitulation in?
Eb major
35 of 41
Why is this modulation a surprise?
Because it returns back tot the tonic
36 of 41
What key does this section briefly modulate to?
Bb major
37 of 41
What is the material used?
First-subject material
38 of 41
What does this piece end on?
39 of 41
What key is the coda in?
Eb major
40 of 41
What does Haydn use the coda to do?
To show virtuosity of the players, which is shown in the violins - high G (6th position)
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How many symphonies did Haydn write?



Card 3


Who brought Haydn to London?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was music booming in London?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why was music booming in the late 1700s?


Preview of the front of card 5
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