head injuries 0.0 / 5 ? Sports ScienceinjuriesUniversityAll boards Created by: Mattcox123Created on: 29-05-24 16:23 what is concussion a traumatic brain injury where force is sustained to the head causing an onset of neurological disturbance 1 of 8 symptoms of concussion loss of consciousness, vomiting, increasing headache 2 of 8 how to diagnose concussion pitchside assessment (maddock questions) and symptom reporting (SCAT6) 3 of 8 content of SCAT6 for immediate assessment observable signs, glasgow coma scale, red flags, cervicle spine assessment, coordination, memory assessment maddocks questions 4 of 8 content of SCAT6 off-field assessment athlete background, symptom evaluation, cognitive screening, coordination and balance examination, delayed recall, decision 5 of 8 concussion recognition tool recognise and remove, obserable signs, symptoms, memory assessment 6 of 8 post head injury advice rest, limit screen time, light physical activity and then gradually increase physical and cognitive activity 7 of 8 6 stages of standardised return to play programme back to regular activities, light aerobic activity, moderate activity, heavy non-contact activity, practice and full contact, competition 8 of 8
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