Health 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionHealthASOCR Created by: EmCreated on: 15-05-16 15:37 When did the government come up with the white paper called 'Choosing health'? 2004 1 of 23 Is the common cause of death and premature death linked to diet, exercise, smoking and drinking? Yes 2 of 23 What can life expectancy be defined as? The state of the nations health 3 of 23 How much saturated fat should an individual have per day? 11% 4 of 23 Is fruit and veg considered high in price? Yes 5 of 23 Has the amount of salt added to cooking increased or declined? Declined 6 of 23 If individuals take responsibility for their health does this reduce or increase the burden on the NHS? Reduce 7 of 23 Which statement best describes CHD? Caused by the narrowing of the arteries that supply heart with oxygen 8 of 23 What is chest pain known as? Angina 9 of 23 Is smoking a risk factor for CHD? Yes 10 of 23 Do black and asian people have a higher risk of developing CHD? Yes 11 of 23 Are men or women more likely to develop CHD? Men 12 of 23 What is the peak age for women to develop CHD? 75-84 13 of 23 Is levels of calcium associated with an increased or reduced incidence of CHD? Reduced 14 of 23 What do antioxidants do? Stop the build up of free radical causing damage to body cells 15 of 23 Diabetes is an condition where the amount of ... is too high? Glucose 16 of 23 Is type 1 or type 2 diabetes insulin-dependent? Type 1 17 of 23 Can exercise lower blood glucose levels? Yes 18 of 23 Are you more at risk of osteoporosis if you smoke and drink heavily? Yes 19 of 23 The mineral that gives hardness to bone is calcium phosphate which is known as... Calcification 20 of 23 In people with coeliacs disease, what happens to the villi when gluten is consumed? The villi are stunted 21 of 23 Is coeliac disease genetic or run in families? Both 22 of 23 Do people with coeliacs disease have to follow and gluten-free diet? Yes 23 of 23
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