Health and Lifestyle 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceHealth, diet and exerciseAbuse of drugsGCSEAQA Created by: AtheamCreated on: 29-05-16 12:47 What are nutrients? Nutrients are important substances that you body needs to stay healthy 1 of 10 What is a balanced diet? Eating food containting the right amout of nutrients 2 of 10 What is energy measured in? Joules and kilojoules 3 of 10 What are three causes of an unheathy diet? Lack of energy, poor immune system, lack of vitamins and minerals 4 of 10 What diseases can obese people get? Heart disease, stokes, diabetes 5 of 10 What is a vitamin D deficiency? Rickets 6 of 10 What are drugs? Chemical substances that affect the way your body works 7 of 10 What are medical drugs? Benefit your health in someway 8 of 10 What are recreational drugs? Make you happy and relax 9 of 10 What can smoking in pregnancy do? Increases misscarrige, low birth weight, cot death, bronchhitis , pneumonia 10 of 10
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