Doctor,Nurse,Occupational Therapist, Pharmacist, Healthcare assistant, Social worker, Care manager, Support worker,GP
1 of 10
Role of Advocate
Checking needs are met so progress is monitored,Providing physical personal care eg bathing toilet needs to support self esteem,Offering choice to support independence
2 of 10
Responsibilities of care home management to make sure staff are safe
Robust health and safety policy in place Someone with official responsibility for health and safety/ safeguarding and protecting individuals from abuse Regular risk assessment to identify risks and hazards actions taken to reduce risks CCTV
3 of 10
Advantages and Disadvantages of partnership working
Range of services and specialist available Holistic approach Money is not wasted Communication Delays Misunderstandings/bureaucracy delays Conflicts
4 of 10
Health and Social Care setting
GP surgery Domiciliary care Hospitals Day care Units Hospitals Specified ward Clinic
5 of 10
Issues that affect access to services
Re-assessment delays affects the onset of care plan being updated Religious views cultural issues choice is influenced or limited Regional availability limited access to services individual prefrnces negative views on tratement
6 of 10
Empowermnet of Service user
By putting the individual at the heart of service provision By promoting individualised care Promoting and supporting individual rights to dignity and independence Supporting beliefs, culture and preferences of the service user
7 of 10
Personal Safety when working with a service user in their home
Risk assessments to ensure safe working practices Infection control measures – hand-washing facilities, use of Personal Protection Equipment Reporting/recording accidents, incidents and concerns.Provision of first-aid facilities.
8 of 10
How can health and social care staff support families
Assessment, care and support planning so the family are involved Supporting day-to-day routines re family life and education so the family are not on call 24/7 Training so the family can administer care/medication by themselves
9 of 10
How can personal information be managed
Treat information about patients with confidentiality Age of Daniel (8 years is too young to give consent) communicate with relevant individuals pass on medical information, e.g. from GPs to hospital consultants where further treatment is needed
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Role of Advocate
Checking needs are met so progress is monitored,Providing physical personal care eg bathing toilet needs to support self esteem,Offering choice to support independence
Card 3
Responsibilities of care home management to make sure staff are safe
Card 4
Advantages and Disadvantages of partnership working
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