Health & Social Care 4.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? Health & Social CareHealth and social care GCSEAQA Created by: cadieleigh.elliottCreated on: 12-05-16 12:03 What does P stand for? Physical 1 of 14 What does I stand for? Intellectual 2 of 14 What does E stand for? Emotional 3 of 14 WHat does S stand for? Social 4 of 14 What is the first life stage? Infancy 5 of 14 What is the second life stage? Early childhood 6 of 14 What is the third life stage? Adolescence 7 of 14 What is the forth life stage? Early Adulthood 8 of 14 What is the fifth life stage? Middle Adulthood 9 of 14 what is the sixth life stage? Late Adulthood 10 of 14 What do children do? Develop 11 of 14 What is an unexpected life event? promotion 12 of 14 What is an expected life event? Job 13 of 14 What is it called when someone looks up to someone else? Role model 14 of 14
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