Health and Social Care- Caring skills and techniques (Completed) 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Health & Social CareCaring Skills and techniques.ASAQA Created by: 11tibiCreated on: 16-03-17 15:20 What are the caring skills and techniques? Techniques that practitioners can use to provide clients with the best possible care. 1 of 16 Working alongside Getting involved in same activity. 2 of 16 Modelling Displaying certain behaviour so that another person can learn and copy. 3 of 16 Setting challenges Setting targets to a person that are achievable. 4 of 16 Observation Measuring things and noting them down. 5 of 16 Social perception Being able to interpret a persons feelings, intentions and needs. 6 of 16 Communication Listening, inviting questions to exchange information. 7 of 16 Creating trust Making someone see you as reliable and believable. By staying consistent etc. 8 of 16 Encouraging adaptive behaviour Behaviour that is good for them and their well being. 9 of 16 Disengagement Temporarily moving away or breaking up from a situation. 10 of 16 Showing approval Showing praise to someone to show you are impressed etc. 11 of 16 Distraction Diverting someones attention from something e.g. pain. 12 of 16 Physical contact Using physical touch to provide something like psychological security or approval. 13 of 16 Reducing negative feelings and behaviour Taking measures to reduce bad feelings and behaviour that is detrimental to someones well being. 14 of 16 Gaining compliance Getting someone to agree with something or do something. By e.g. giving limited choice. 15 of 16 Eye contact and facial expression Using eye contact and facial expression in communication to provide for life quality factors. 16 of 16
Health and Well Being, Health Status, Hierarchy of Needs, Care Setting basic info 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings
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