Health and Social Care Crossword 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Health & Social CareHealth and Social CareGCSEAQA Created by: Court_ElizabethCreated on: 14-10-15 09:09 678924315 Across 1. ------- is for growth and repair (7) 4. You will become ------------ if you don't have a balanced diet (12) 5. ------- is for healthy teeth and strong bones. (7) 9. Protection from abuse and ---- (4) Down 2. A ------- is: A circumstance or obstacle that keeps people or things apart or prevents communication or progress. (7) 3. ---------- communication includes sign language and brail (10) 6. --- ---- is a good source of iron (3, 4) 7. ------- is a language used by adults and children with learning disabilities and communication problems (7) 8. Every individual has the ------ to do things. (6)
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