Key features: Infants grow rapidly to reach approximately half their adult height by the time their 2 years old, by 1 they can walk, by 2 they can walk
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Early Childhood 3-8 years
Children continue to grow at a steady pace and continue to develop strength and coordination
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Adolescence 9-18 years
Adolescence experience growth spurts.They develop sexual characteristics during puberty
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Early Adulthood 19-45 years
Young adults reach peak of their physical fitness
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Middle Adulthood 46-65 years
The ageing process begins with some loss of strength and stamina. Women go through menopause
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Later Adulthood 65+
Ageing process continues with gradual loss of mobility. Older adults will experience a loss of height up to a few centimeters
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An increase in some measured quantity, such as height and weight E.g. Children grow taller as they get older or As height increases so does weight.
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Complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.
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an ability achieved by most children by a certain age, which can involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication
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Principles of growth (In general)
-Weight and Height/Length (Important to refer to)
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Principles of growth (Babies)
At birth and at 6 to 8 weeks a babys head circumfrence will be measured to check the size and growth of the brain, infants grow rapidly during the first 6 months of their life
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Principles of growth (Infancy)
Infants grow rapidly during their first 6 months of their lives, Healthy newborns double their birth weight by four to five months and triple it by the time they reach a year old, by approximetly two years old they will half their adult height
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Principles of growth (Growth measurements)
They help health visitors monitor a childs health and development, also allowing them to identify any other issues. E.g if an infant is under or overweight or growing to slowly.
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Principles of growth (Infants on average)
An infant will grow on average 12cm more and gain 2.5 kg between 1 and 2 years of age, between their 2nd and 3rd birthday an infant will grow 8cm more and gain about 2kg more (Goes on a growth chart to ensure the infant is meeting their milestones)
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Growth chart
If a child is growing expectedly their weight will rise steadily following the centile lines marked on the growth chart. All information is recorded in a personal child health record.
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Centile lines (percentiles)
-Lines on a graph used to show average measurements of height, weight aand head circumfrence. The lines represent the vaules of the measurements taking into account age and sex.
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Personal child health record
Ensures if their is cause of concern about weight or height an early referal to a paediarician can be made. an infants head circumfrence will also be measured if their is any concearn about development
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Children continue to grow at a steady pace and continue to develop strength and coordination
Early Childhood 3-8 years
Card 3
Adolescence experience growth spurts.They develop sexual characteristics during puberty
Card 4
Young adults reach peak of their physical fitness
Card 5
The ageing process begins with some loss of strength and stamina. Women go through menopause
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