Health and Social Care - Unit 1 - Learning Aim A 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareHuman Lifespan and DevelopmentBTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: dianawarusaCreated on: 11-06-20 17:58 0-2 years old? Birth or infancy 1 of 11 3-8 years old? Early Childhood 2 of 11 9-18 years old? Adolescence 3 of 11 19-45 years old? Early Adulthood 4 of 11 46-65 years old? Middle Adulthood 5 of 11 65+ years old? Later Adulthood 6 of 11 Definition of Growth? Is the increase in size. e.g height and weight 7 of 11 Definition of Development? Is the increase emotions, abilities and skills. 8 of 11 Definition of Gross Motor skills? Skills learned by using large muscle. For example for running 9 of 11 Definition of Fine Motor skills? Skills learned by using small muscles. For example for writing 10 of 11 Definition of Milestone? Is the ability achieved by a child at a certain age. Walking 11 of 11
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