domicilliary care is when your cared for in your own home
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what is pallitive care?
pallitive care is end of life care
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what is professional refferal?
this is when you are referred to somewhere by a health care professional
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what is the cqc?
the care quality commission is a organisation. Its purpose is to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care, and it encourages care services to improve.
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what is primary care?
primary care is the first people you go to like the gp or the optician
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what is ofsted?
an organisation that inspects the quality of schools, nurserys, etc
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what is the public sector?
a sector that provides services to the public
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what are the four organisations in the public sector?
nhs england, nhs scotland, nhs wales and health and social care northern island
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whats an occupational therapist?
the use of particular activities as an aid to recuperation from physical or mental illness.
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