Health and social care Unit 2 learning aim C
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- Created by: Ali682
- Created on: 22-03-19 10:08
Physical and mental ill health
When supporting people with physical and mental illnesses, a multi-disciplinary approach is usual and essential. When people are supported by health and care professionals it is not at all unusual that the service user has a range of concerns.
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Physical and mental ill health (2)
Care professionals aim to take a holistic approach to meet the needs of the whole person. People with mental health problems often have associated physical ill health. Poor physical health can lead to serious anxiety and depression.
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Physical and mental ill health (3)
It is the care professional's role to judge when it is necessary to work professionally with other specialists to ensure that the service user's needs are fully met. Mental illness is difficult to define and therefore difficult to monitor.
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Physical and mental ill health (4)
What is regarded as normal and acceptable behaviour varies from one society to another, and at different times in history. In addition the evidence available is deprived largely from medical statistics, recording the number of people who present
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Physical and mental ill health (5)
themselves for treatment. There maybe many reasons people with mental health problems do not seek professional help such as they may regard themselves as mentally ill, they might not want to admit that they have a mental health problem.
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Learning disability
MENCAP, the organisation that supports people with learning disabilities, defines a learning disability as a 'reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities'. This may include difficulties with regular household tasks.
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Learning disability (2)
Research by The Foundation for people with Learning difficulties has found that between 25% to 40% of people with
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Learning disability (3)
learning difficulties also suffer from mental health problems. The prevalence of dementia is much higher amongst older adults with learning difficulties compared to the general public.
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Physical and sensory disabilities
Prior to the Community Care Act (1990) many people with physical and sensory disabilities and impairments also lived in hospitals and other large institutions. There was less awareness of the need for a holistic approach.
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Physical and sensory disabilities (2)
A sensory impairment refers to a condition where a person's sensory organs function abnormally poorly, which limits their ability to perform day-to-day activities. However a person with an impairment may only be disabled if adaptions and services are
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Physical and sensory disabilities (3)
not in place to ensure they are able to perform their daily routines and other activities of daily life independently. A disabling environment describes a situation where appropriate adaptions and services are not in place to support people.
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Poverty and disabilities
The poverty rate for adults with disabilities is twice that for adults without a disability. The main reason for this, despite the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) is the high rate of unemployment among people with disabilities.
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Early years
Human growth and development is usually described in terms of life stages, which begin with conception and range through infancy, childhood and adolescence to the final stages of adult life. The development of infants and young children can be
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Early years (2)
regarded as a journey, influenced both by their physiological changes and social environment. The care and education services supporting children in early childhood are required to follow a curriculum.
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Early years (3)
The EYFS which was updated in 2014 sets standards and measures progress from birth to 5 years of age. All schools and Ofsted-registered early-years providers must follow the EYFS. This includes childminders, pre-schools, nurseries.
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Early years (4)
The EYFS covers seven key areas of learning and development which together form a holistic approach. 1 communication and language. 2. physical development. 3. personal, social and emotional development. 4. literacy. 5. maths. 6. understanding the
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The carer's role
When caring for children, carers should follow the correct procedures which include keeping children safe, ensuring a healthy environment, providing an accessible learning environment, encouraging children's learning and development,.
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The carer's role (2)
Enabling children to make a positive contribution. Ensuring the welfare of the child is paramount, ensuring that information about a child remain confidential, working in partnership with the parents of the child.
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Later adulthood
Adulthood is the stage in human development associated with reaching physical and emotional maturity. Early adulthood the period between the age of 18 and about 40 years of age is associated with the cessation of physical maturation and is when the
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Later adulthood (2)
ageing process gradually begins. In the middle adulthood period approximately between the ages of 40 and 65 years, people begin to notice a decline in their physical stamina. People begin to move and run more slowly than in previous years.
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The 6Cs... (2)
3. Commitment means that this vision for service users can be realised, and the needs of service users consistently met. 4. Competence means ensuring that staff are able to understand their service users' needs, and have the up-to-date expertise.
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Later adulthood (3)
There is a loss of skin elasticity, with an increase in wrinkles. Women will also experience the onset of menopause. However the effects of the ageing process for most people are most acute in later adulthood. At this stage there are changes in the
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Later adulthood (4)
brain structure that result in noticeably slower intellectual and physical reactions. poorer memory and less effective problem-solving skills. Physical changes include poorer hearing and eyesight, a loss of muscle tissue leading to less strength and
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Later adulthood (5)
generally less stamina. Older people often experience changes in sleep patterns and their immune system is less efficient, making them prone to infections that take longer to clear.
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Later adulthood (6)
Many older people, however live active and busy lives. They may contribute to community activities, extend their education, online or through attending courses for example and provide essential family support for their children and grandchildren.
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Later adulthood care
Adults with specific care needs have the right to choose their own GP, have equal and fair treatment, be consulted about the care they need, be consulted about their preferences, be protected from harm and risk, have access to complaints procedures.
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Relevant skills to work in these areas
The specific knowledge and skills required for working in the health and care sector varies according to the wide range of specialist job roles within this sector. Health and care is a rapidly changing sector in which changes in the size and
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Relevant skills to work in these areas (2)
structure of the population present new challenges, legal requirements change and new treatments and procedures are introduced at a fast pace.
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Relevant skills to work in these areas (3)
In December 2012 the chief nursing officer for England launched a three-year strategy for all nurses and midwives entitled 'compassion in practice', Central to her campaign was the focus on 6 key values.
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The 6Cs...
1. Courage to always do the right thing for service users and to speak up when there are concerns. 2. Care is at the heart and core of the health and care of professionals. ensuring that the care provided is right for the client throughout their life
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The 6Cs... (3)
5. Compassion for service users and their carers must be based on empathy, respect and dignity. 6. Communication is central to the caring relationship, particularly the ability to listen carefully to service users.
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The five goals of the NHS Outcomes Framework (2015)
1. Preventing people from dying prematurely. 2. Enhancing quality of life for people with long-term conditions. 3. Helping people to recover from episodes of illness. 4. Ensure people have a positive experience 5. Treating and caring for people.
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How policies and procedures affect people in these areas
The polices, procedures, codes of practice and codes of conduct for the caring professionals have become more specific in recent years. They are presented so that professionals, service users and their carers can understand them clearly, and they are
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How policies and procedures affect people in these areas (2)
rigorously enforced. The inspection agencies have a specific responsibility to monitor standards of provision and to require immediate action where significant failings are identified.
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How regulation affects people working in these areas
Where provision is failing to meet the standards required, immediate action can be required and its implementation carefully monitored. Where care professionals fail to meet the standards set by their regulators, they can be disciplined and in the
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How regulation affects people working in these areas (2)
most serious cases removed from their professional register. This means they can no longer practice either voluntarily or in paid employment.
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How working practices affect people who use services in these areas
The overall aim of all health and care provision is to meet the individual needs, of service users. The policies, procedures, legislative requirements and regulation of health and care providers is in place to ensure that standards are high.
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Working practices for people in later adulthood
Staff should value the contribution that individuals can make to the life of the home. Residents' self-esteem is enhanced when they feel valued. Staff should allow residents time to do things themselves when they can and not take over.
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Working practices for people in later adulthood (2)
Even though residents are living in a home with other people, they remain individuals with their own likes and dislikes. Ethnic, cultural, social and religious diversity should be recognized.
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Working practices for people in later adulthood (3)
The balance between risk and safety should be carefully maintained. Anxieties raised by staff and relatives should be discussed, with the individual resident concerned.
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The Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust
In 2013, the Francis Inquiry reported on the failings in the standard of care at the Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust. Concerns were raised in 2007 by the then Healthcare commission about the apparently high death rate at the Mid Staffordshire hospital.
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The Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust (2)
Its final report did not conclude that the higher number of deaths was caused by inadequate provision but serious failings were identified in the quality of care provided. As a result of these concerns a number of investigations led to reports.
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The Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust (3)
As a result of the Francis inquiry a further report by Camilia Cavendish was set up to investigate the quality of recruitment, training and support for non-registered staff in hospitals and other care settings. This included all staff who were not
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The Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust (4)
professionally trained doctor, nurses or other regulated health and care staff.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Physical and mental ill health (2)
Care professionals aim to take a holistic approach to meet the needs of the whole person. People with mental health problems often have associated physical ill health. Poor physical health can lead to serious anxiety and depression.
Card 3
Physical and mental ill health (3)

Card 4
Physical and mental ill health (4)

Card 5
Physical and mental ill health (5)

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