to ensure that a person is treated fairly, given the same opportunities regardless of differences. Promoting equality means that individuals are not discriminated against their differences
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encompasses recognising and respecting indicual differences. Valuing diversity involves accepting and respecting differences by seeing everyone as a unique individual.
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care workers enabling and supporting indivudals to be in contorl of their lives
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not relying on others and having the freedom to make your own decisions
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Ways of working that provide indivudals with equal opportunities soa that they are involved and feel they belong
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Having regard for the feelings, wishses or rights of others
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care that promotes and does not undermine a person's self-respect
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what everyone is entitlted to: choice, confidentiality, protection from harm and abuse, equal and fair treatment, consultation and the right to life
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a collection of laws passed by parliament which state the rights and entilements of the individual
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Information is shared only with those directly involved. Access to information is restricted to those who have a clear reason to access it when providing care and support.
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PAT testing
Portable Appliance Testing is used to describe the checking of electrical appliances and equipment to ensure they are safe to use
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someone who speaks on behalf of an individual who is unable to speak up for themselves
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refers to the negative and harmful way of behaving towards another individual or a certain group of people
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Direct discrimination
involves intentionally putting someone at a disadvantage or treating them unfairly based on their differences
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Indirect disrimination
when a policy, practive or rule applies to everybody but has an effect on some people
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negative attitude or dislike of an individual, based on informed personal opinons
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generalistions are often offensive or exaggerated about a particualr group of people
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negative approach that identifies people as memebers of a particular group. as being 'all the same'
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involves threatening, intimidating, huiliating or frightening others. repeated behaviour intended to physcially or psychological hurt
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carries out inspections that rate child care settings and schools from 'outstadning' to 'inadequate'. failing this they are published a report and put into special measures
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CQC (care quality commision)
carries out inspections of health and social care settings to monitor that the care provided continues to meet the standards.
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EHRC (equality and human rights commision)
website that provides information, advice and guidance about discrimination
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NICE (national institue for health and care excellence)
assess' new drugs and treatments as they become avaliable. The provide guidelines on how public health and social services can best support people.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
encompasses recognising and respecting indicual differences. Valuing diversity involves accepting and respecting differences by seeing everyone as a unique individual.
Card 3
care workers enabling and supporting indivudals to be in contorl of their lives
Card 4
not relying on others and having the freedom to make your own decisions
Card 5
Ways of working that provide indivudals with equal opportunities soa that they are involved and feel they belong
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