Health Consequences of Obesity in Children 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionObesityASCCEA Created by: bounty123Created on: 17-10-18 20:33 Type 2 Diabetes High risk in adults who were obese as adolescents 1 of 6 Asthma Higher BMI contributes to asthma. 40-50% increased risk. 2 of 6 Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) 60% increased risk in children who are obese. 3 of 6 Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Increased risk of high cholesterol and high blood pressure- leads to CVD. 4 of 6 Mental Health Low self regard and impaired quality of life. Low self-esteem, eating disorders and teasing. Emotional and behavioral problems. 5 of 6 Muskuloskeletal Problems Increased stress and pain on bones and muscles. 6 of 6
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