Health 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Health & Social CareUnderstanding health conditions and patient care pathwaysASAQA Created by: GemmaaCreated on: 11-03-14 16:47 What is Asthma? A long term condition, caused by inflammation of the airways 1 of 5 What are the symptoms of Asthma? Tight chest, breathlessness, attacks triggered by exercise, coughing especially at night, wheezing 2 of 5 What are the causes of Asthma? Family history, triggers (passive smoking), low birth weight, being born prematurley, having bronchilitis as a child 3 of 5 What practitioners are involved? GP, asthma nurse, pharmacist 4 of 5 What are the physical impacts? Tight chest, breathless, coughing 5 of 5
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