Health 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishLifestyle and healthGCSEAQA Created by: TamaraCreated on: 06-05-14 21:50 el bistec steak 1 of 20 los mariscos seafood 2 of 20 el perrito caliente hot dog 3 of 20 saludable healthy 4 of 20 acostarse to go to bed 5 of 20 deportista sporty 6 of 20 la salud health 7 of 20 el/la adolescente teenager 8 of 20 afectar to affect 9 of 20 asqueroso/a disgusting / filthy 10 of 20 (no) fumador (non) smoking area 11 of 20 la ley law 12 of 20 la poblacion population 13 of 20 los pulmones lungs 14 of 20 el alimento food 15 of 20 el botellon binge drinking 16 of 20 el crimen crime 17 of 20 distinto/a different 18 of 20 seropositivo HIV positive 19 of 20 sin techo homeless 20 of 20
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