Health and Social Care Unit 1 Keywords
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- Created by: Lauren Brown
- Created on: 20-12-12 10:56
Human Development
A change in a person’s skills and capabilities
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Human Growth
An increase in a person’s physical size or ‘mass’
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Life Course
Unique pattern of events and experiences that a person goes through during their existence.
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Life Expectancy
Number of further years a person can expect to live from a given age point.
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Life Span
Length of time between a person’s birth and death.
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Life Stages
Phases if growth and development that a person passes through
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Attachment and Bonding
Processes through which an emotional link is established between a baby and carer.
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Emotional Development
The emergence of feelings about self and others
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Foetal Development
The growth and development of the unborn child during pregnancy.
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Intellectual Development
The emergence and improvement of thinking and language skills
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The gradual process of becoming physically mature
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Motor Skills
Skills related to physical movement
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Social Development
Emergence and improvement of communication skills and relationships with other people
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Being preoccupied with aspects of the ‘self’ while being insensitive to the needs and thoughts of others
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Gender Constancy
The notion that a person’s sex is fixed and will not change
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Shared expectation of behaviour that indicates what is culturally desirable and acceptable.
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Individuals sharing common characteristics that see themselves and are seen by others as belonging together in some way.
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Primary Socialisation
Process by which children learn to become members of society by learning the norms and values of the society in which they live. This process can be carried out by the children’s families.
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Combination of self-image and self-esteem, which together produce a sense of personal identity.
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Brother or Sister
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Abstract Thinking
High-level thinking ability that enables a person to think about issues, problems or situations that are hypothetical
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Endocrine glands
Glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood stream. They include the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands.
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Chemical substances secreted into the blood by certain glands that stimulate activity in other organs
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The developmental period when secondary sexual characteristics develop and reproductive organs become functional
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Ageing Process
Pattern of biological change, not caused by accident or disease, that occurs over time in the structure and functioning of the human body
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Cognitive performance
Ability to use thinking and memory skills
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Degenerative disorders of the brain that affects a person’s cognitive skills, personality and emotional control and gradually reduces their ability to function independently.
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The state of being fully developed
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Period of time during which a woman’s menstrual cycle wanes and gradually stops, usually between the ages of about 45 to 50
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Older Person
Anyone who is over 65. The tern us preferred to elderly, old or pensioner, which are considered to be more negative.
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Role Strain
The pressure and difficulties that may result from the conflicting demands of a person’s different social roles (such as worker or parent)
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Social Role
Expected pattern of behaviour associated with a particular social status.
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Long strands or packets of DNA
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Short for deoxyribonucleic acid the chemical ribbon that tells cells how to function
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A sex cell, either spermatozoon (male) or a ovum (female)
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Short stretches of DNA ribbon located in chromosomes
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Full complement of chromosomes in a human body cell containing the genetic characteristics of an individual
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The biological transmission of both physical and mental characteristics from parents to their offspring
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Way of life of a society or of a social group within a boarder society
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Social ‘rules’ that establish what people expect, and what is expected of them in different situations
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Peer Group
Typically a group of friends of approximately the same age; more generally a group that a person identifies with and many be influenced by.
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Social Class
System of classifying people according to income, occupation and social prestige
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Social Processes
Forms of activity or social practice engaged in by members of a society. Primary socialisation is an example of a social process that occurs within the family.
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Social Structures
Social formations that are relatively permanent features of society. They exist and survive beyond the individuals who form them. The family and the education system are examples.
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Ideas or beliefs that are viewed positively or are thought to be important by those who hold them
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Combination of attitudes, habits or behaviours that have a significant influence on the way a person lives and experiences their daily life
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The process of taking in and absorbing nutrients, the process of being nourished
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Naturally occurring chemical substances found in the food we eat, includes carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals
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Substance Misuse
Umbrella term for problems associated with excessive alcohol consumption and non-medical use of prescribed and illegal drugs.
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Noxious Substances
Poisonous, harmful and unpleasant substances such as chemical pollutants
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Contamination with something harmful or poisonous
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Reproductive Disorders
Health problems, related to the male or female reproductive systems, that reduce or remove fertility or cause difficulties with conception
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Respiratory Disorders
Diseases and illnesses that affect a person’s respiratory or breathing system
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A system for promoting health by getting rid of dirt and germs, such as a drainage and sewage system
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Biomedical Model
An approach to health that focuses on the structure and functioning if the human body. It is associated with the scientific approach taken by practitioners of western medicine
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Health Promotion
A range of social, educational and psychological strategies that are used to motivate people to improve and maintain their standards of personal health and well being.
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Considering the complete person, physically and mentally, in promotion of health and wellbeing or the treatment of illness
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In an unbiased manner, based on sources of information outside of personal views and feelings.
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Based on personal feelings, views or prejudices
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An increase in a person’s physical size or ‘mass’
Human Growth
Card 3
Unique pattern of events and experiences that a person goes through during their existence.
Card 4
Number of further years a person can expect to live from a given age point.
Card 5
Length of time between a person’s birth and death.
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