heath and soical care keywords 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CarekeywordsGCSENone Created by: dallen1Created on: 15-04-16 23:36 name the frist pies physical 1 of 15 name the second pies intellautal 2 of 15 name the third pies emontional 3 of 15 name the last pies social 4 of 15 what the frist life stage infancy 5 of 15 what the thrid life stage adolensence 6 of 15 what the fifth life stage middle adulthood 7 of 15 what the second life stage early childhood 8 of 15 what is the sixith life stage later adulthood 9 of 15 what the fourth life stage early adulthood 10 of 15 infancy age 0-2years 11 of 15 early childhood age 3-8years 12 of 15 how you value yourself and confidence self esteem 13 of 15 people who look after adopted children social workers 14 of 15 people who look after kids before nursey nursery nurse 15 of 15
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