henry vii government and threats to his rule

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 30-05-23 11:34
what did henry do to secure his position?
he dated the start of his reign to before the battle of Bosworth

his coronation was placed before parliament met so it couldn't be claimed he was king only because of them
married Elizabeth of York to unite the houses of Lancaster and York
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how was henrys position weak?
his claim to the throne was through a woman and it was an illegitimate descent

was a usurper, taken the crown illegitimately
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what was the structure of Henrys government?
the kings council provided advice and advisors. within that council he had a smaller council which he trusted more and so made running the country more effective
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what role did parliament have during Henry's reign?
it had a limited role. it met only 7 times during his reign

it was used to pass acts of attainder against nobles, to uphold henrys claim to the throne
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how did henry control finance?
he used a chamber system, which allowed him more control of finance, which meant that he handled all income except customs duties

he had 2 sources of income, ordinary and extra ordinary revenue
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what is ordinary and extraordinary revenue?
ordinary revenue- income from crown lands, customs duties and feudal dues. rose from 29,000 to 42,000 by 1509

extraordinary revenue- came from parliamentary taxation. in times of emergency he could ask his wealthy subjects for loans and had brought aroun
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how did henry achieve ordinary and extraordinary revenue?
through the 1486 act of resumption and seizure of land from those he called traitors
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how did henry control the nobility?
he asserted his power by insisting on feudal rights

relief- a payment made to the king when land was inherited

livery- this was a payment to the king to recover land from wardship
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what is wardship?
when the estates of minors were placed under royal control until the minor came of age, but in the meantime the estate was exploited to maximise the crown income
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what were the aims of henrys foreign policy?
henry was more inclined to peace than war

defensive foreign policy

constantly on guard against possible invasion from France, Scotland etc

vulnerable borders from France and Scotland
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how did henry consolidate support?
in 1486 he signed a 3 year truce with James 3 of Scotland

1487 he made a treaty with Maximillian of the holy roman empire for 1 year

did his best to ensure he would suffer from invasion
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what was the Simmel rising?
pretender lambert Simnel got support from Ireland and burgundy who was willing to give 2000 rebels for Simnel's cause, but support was limited

henry defeated the rebels at stoke in 1487
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what was the treaty of etaples?
henry invaded France in 1492 and Charles wanted to get rid of English aggression so offer peace so signed the treaty of etaples

e promised to give no further aid to English rebels (especially Warbeck),745,000 gold crowns payable in 50,000 crowns a year
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what was the treaty of medina del campo?

made because Spain was a major power, so henrys son Arthur was married to Catherine of Aragon

Ferdinand of Spain agreed to not help English rebels
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what was the holy league and magnus intercursus?
European powers feared France had become too powerful. created the holy league which aimed to drive Charles out of Italy

Henry not included at first but was added later and made commercial treaties with France whilst maintaining good relations with the
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what was the Warbeck rising?
Warbeck got support from France, burgundy and Scotland which complicate henrys foreign policy

highlighted the long term possibility of an invasion from Scotland

Warbeck captured in 1497
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what was the Lovell conspiracy?
henry went on a royal progress to Yorkshire where Yorkist support was strong and there was unrest

rebellions in the midlands and the north involved the Stafford brothers and Lord Lovell

henry sent the rebels a choice of pardon or death
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was the Lovell conspiracy successful?
the rebels dispersed, Lord Lovell fled to Flanders and the Stafford brothers were arrested, Humphrey was executed and Thomas was pardoned

the rebellion didn't prevent the royal progress and the visit to the north gained loyalty and obedience
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how was henrys position weak?


his claim to the throne was through a woman and it was an illegitimate descent

was a usurper, taken the crown illegitimately

Card 3


what was the structure of Henrys government?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what role did parliament have during Henry's reign?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how did henry control finance?


Preview of the front of card 5
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