Wolsey's early rise to power
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- Created by: jennyroee
- Created on: 24-03-17 10:31
Describe Wolsey in his early years:
Son of an Ipswich butcher, he had considerable talents and was a hard worker. He earned a degree from Oxford at the age of 15, he was also a great flatterer. He could run the Kingdom day-to-day for the King.
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What did Wolsey work as under Henry VII?
His chaplain, then later Dean of Lincoln, and so was sent on diplomatic missions for the King
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When was Wolsey first noticed by Henry VIII?
As a member of Fox's entourage, but Wolsey no longer wanted to back Fox as he realised he would not reach a King who had a 'forward' policy.
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How was Wolsey aided by Henry VII's old advisors?
Dudley had been removed, Warham and Fox wanted political retirement, so Wolsey had an opportunity to take over.
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On which expedition did Wolsey prove his talents?
The 1513 expedition to France, he took on organisational tasks, people complained to the King about Wolsey reinforced the view that Wolsey was a man who could carry out his wishes.
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When did Wolsey become his main advisor?
By mid 1514, the King was referring all matters to him.
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When did Wolsey become Lord Chancellor and Cardinal?
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When was he appointed papal legate?
1518, confirmed for life in 1524
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What did historian Steven Gunn argue?
'His authority as Henry's chief minister was so great, and his apparent responsibility for all areas of government policy so sweeping...political commentators had to be all for Wolsey or against him'.
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What did historian Eric Ives argue?
'Wolsey could effectively propose a policy but he was always careful to ensure that Henry owned it'
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What did historian John Guy argue?
'It is true that Wolsey enjoyed exceptional favour and for a while his position was different. Between 1515 and 1525 it can be argued that Henry treated him more as a partner than a servant.'
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What were Henry's foreign policy aims?
To assert himself, demonstrate England as a major power, and achieve glory and honour
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What did Scarisbrick argue?
Wolsey pursued a more peaceful because England could not afford war
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What did Henry believe about his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
It would secure the Tudor dynasty
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Describe Henry's campaigns in France:
1512-1514, limited success. Kept land captured, restored French pension, arrangement of Mary to Louis
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Describe the Battle of Flodden:
England raised a second army, and killed the Scottish king, secured the northern border
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Why was Wolsey's position made more difficult?
Between 1515-19, had new rulers. New ruler in France, Francis I. New HRE, Charles V. Both young and wanted to assert themselves
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Who did Henry's sister marry?
Duke of Suffolk, encouraged by Francis. She had married a non-royal without permission, lost her in the marriage market
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What was England's position weakened by?
French victory in Marignano, 1515. Gave France control of Milan
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What did Henry order Wolsey to do?
Create an anti-French alliance.
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Why was it not successful?
Death of Ferdinand, and accession of Charles I, peace treaty between France and Spain, joined by Maximilian, England excluded
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How did Wolsey create the Treaty of London?
Hijacked a papal initiative to raise troops to fight the turks
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When was it signed?
In London, October 1518, over 20 nations signed it
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What did Wolsey have to sacrifice?
Tournai, handed back to France, undermined further by election of Charles I as HRE in 1519
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When did Charles visit England?
May 1520, and then Henry met Francis just outside of calais, became Field of the Cloth of Gold
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Why was the Field of the Cloth of Gold significant?
Palace constructed for Henry, didn't achieve anything of diplomatic value, cost a years income. Within 2 years, England and France at war
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What did Wolsey agree to under the terms of the Treaty of Bruges?
in 1521, agreed to invade France unless France made peace with Charles
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When was Henry forced to send an army to France?
In 1523, Charles soon abandoned England, had cost £400,000, a years income
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What did Charles achieve?
Captured Milan, at the Battle of Pavia in Feb 1525, captured Francis, saw it as an opportunity to assert his claim to the French throne
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What was Wolsey ordered to do?
Raise the funds, but heavy taxation of previous campaigns meant he was unable to, and the plan was abandoned
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What did Charles do?
Refused to attack France, and annulled the planned marriage between himself, and Henry's daughter Mary.
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What did Henry sign in August 1525?
Treaty of the More, pursued an anti-imperial alliance in northern Italy during 1526
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Why was the League of Cognac established?
To reverse the French defeat at Pavia, and England joined the league as 'protector'
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How was the alliance with France reinforced?
In 1527, signed Anglo-French Treaty of Westminster, followed by Treaty of Amiens, Anglo-French agreement to attack Charles
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When did England declare war against Spain?
1528, no army raised, agreement made to protect English trade in the Netherlands
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When did the war between Francis and Charles end?
1529, with the Treaty of Cambrai
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How was Catherine related to Charles?
She was his aunt. In 1527, he sacked Rome and captured the pope, Henry couldn't get his divorce
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How long was Wolsey chief minister?
15 years, 1514-29, achieved little in domestic affairs, but mostly in foreign affairs
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Where could you see Wolsey's influence?
In: legal reforms, financial reforms, social reforms, administration, relations with the noblity
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What did Wolsey work as under Henry VII?
His chaplain, then later Dean of Lincoln, and so was sent on diplomatic missions for the King
Card 3
When was Wolsey first noticed by Henry VIII?
Card 4
How was Wolsey aided by Henry VII's old advisors?
Card 5
On which expedition did Wolsey prove his talents?
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