Henry VIII: Authority, Nation and Religion 1509-1540

  • Created by: Emma
  • Created on: 19-05-15 16:16
What were Henry VIII's foreign policy aims 1509-11?
Henry had imperial ideas involing the re-conquest of lands, particularly in France and making England a major power in Europe.
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Why did Henry VIII want to dominate foreign policy?
Wanted to win back French territories lost during the previous century, young and virile found war glamourous, wanted to be politically at the heart of Europe
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How successful was Henry's early foreign policy 1511-1513?
Not very. First French War wasn't successful due to betrayal from allies however 1513 wars were successful- France won back Tournai and Therouanne, Scotland- won at the Battle of Flodden
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Why did England's foreign policy change in 1513
Bretrayed by the peace agreement between Spain,Holy Roman Empire and France.
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How did England aim for peace 1514-1522?
Treaty of London, Changing relations between Henry, Charles V and Francis I, Defender of Faith, Field of the Cloth of Gold
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Card 2


Why did Henry VIII want to dominate foreign policy?


Wanted to win back French territories lost during the previous century, young and virile found war glamourous, wanted to be politically at the heart of Europe

Card 3


How successful was Henry's early foreign policy 1511-1513?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why did England's foreign policy change in 1513


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did England aim for peace 1514-1522?


Preview of the front of card 5


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