flashcard 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Government & PoliticsASAQA Created by: Gabi ChaseCreated on: 09-12-12 12:15 what system is used for scottish parliament and welsh assembly? AMS 1 of 9 NI local gov, NI assembly& Euro Parl STV 2 of 9 European elections Closed regional party list 3 of 9 London Mayoral and other directly elected mayors SV 4 of 9 example of proportionality under FPTP 2011, Sinn Fein secured 27% first pref and 27% seats 5 of 9 describe AMS in the scottish elections 2/3 of 129 seats awarded on con basis, 1/3 distributed as top-up regional list system 6 of 9 example of AMS benefiting larger parties 2011 scot parl election,they won 3 FPTP seats yet awarded 12 top-up seats 7 of 9 what is the threshold used in the israeli kinesset 1.5% 8 of 9 how many seats did minor parties win in 2009? UKIP won 13 seats 9 of 9
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