Historic Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryHistoryGCSEAQA Created by: gagechamberlainCreated on: 21-01-14 09:57 1.What historic demolition began in November 1989? The fall of the Berlin Wall 1 of 6 2.In World War II, on what exact date did D-Day occur? June 6th, 1944 2 of 6 3.What was William Wilberforce influential in ending? Slavery 3 of 6 3.What was William Wilberforce influential in ending? 4.William McKinley 4 of 6 5.When Henry VIII died in 1547, who became king at nine years of age? Edward VI 5 of 6 What territory did Britain gain at the Treaty of Berlin in 1878? Cyprus 6 of 6
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