Historical Perspectives of Psychology Term One Keywords
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- Created by: PsycSaph
- Created on: 20-01-19 19:01
Anal stage
two to four years conflict between parents inflicting self-control and tension reduction for the ID
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a neutral stimulus that is consistently followed by a UCR will become a CR
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Contextual approach
knowledge and values at the time
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Critical periods
certain behaviours must develop in a certain time frame
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Collective unconscious
archetypes form ethnic or racial groups that are socially (or genetically) passed on
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Conditioned stimulus
initially neutral stimulus that is conditioned through association
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Conditioned response
an automatic response established by training to an ordinarily neutral stimulus
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Common fate
things that move together belong together
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Common region
elements in the same region tend to be grouped together
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Cognitive psychology
study of mental processes such as perceiving, remembering, using language, researching and solving problems
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logical thinking
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Descent of man
continuity of mental processes existed between humans and other species
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displacing unacceptable impulse
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constrains ID to reality
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Eight stages of development
crisis at each stage; psychosocial not psychosexual; fixation if unsuccessful
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the weakening and eventual disappearance of a learned response when the CS is no longer paired with the UCR
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power dynamic between genders crucial in human psychology
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future expectations of perfectionism
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concerned with ‘behaviour’, driven by practical application
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Genital stage
twelve years onward no conflict rather than psyche decided from previous conflict
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involves the tendency of a new stimulus similar to the original conditioned stimulus to produce a similar response
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perception is not built up from sensations but is not a result of perceptual organization
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Good continuation
points that, when connected, result in contours
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values of the time
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internal perception rather than philosopher’s self- observation
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innate source of all drives
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Information processing
decomposing a cognitive task into a set of abstract information stages
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Latency stage
six to twelve years learning skills and obtaining education at school for adult life
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Jung- less emphasis on sex and more on extroversion/introversion
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Lip key
measures reaction time of mouth opening
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Law of similarity
people tend to group similar items together
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Law of proximity
people tend to use how close objects are to one another to perceive a larger image
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Logical positivism
observed events could be tied to theoretical
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allows perception of the finite mortal world
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Moral anxiety
conflict between ego and superego
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Middle life
pressures of sexual life give away to anxiety about ‘greater’ philosophy
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Myers-Briggs personality inventory
categorises people into types
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Naturalistic history
zeitgeist account of development
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Natural selection
more adaptive variation, more likely to survive and be naturally selected in struggled for survival
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Neurotic anxiety
direct conflict between ID and ego
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Negative reinforcement
R increased in frequency because it removes a noxious stimulus reinforcer
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Negative punishment
R decreases in frequency because a pleasant stimulus reinforcer is removed
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Objective anxiety
response to real external threat
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Oral stage
birth to two years
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Oedipal conflict
boys become fearful of father and castration
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present smells through participants noses
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Operant conditioning
learning produced by an active organism interacting with the environment
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modern knowledge and values
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Personalistic history
‘great man’ individual account of development
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a collection of studies and beliefs often mistakenly categorised as a science
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Prior reasoning
before experience
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we could only be sure of knowledge that results from observable public events
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Problem of induction
because you haven’t seen something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
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Problem of demarcation
how we separate the scientific from unscientific
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theory of human personality
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project traits we don’t like onto others
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Phallic stage
four to six years child discovers they have or do not have a penis
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Penis envy
girl blames her mother for not having a penis
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Principle of compensation
whatever happens in the conscious, the exact happens in the unconscious
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Positive reinforcement
R increases in frequency it introduces a pleasant stimulus reinforcer
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Positive punishment
R decreases in frequency because it introduces a noxious stimulus reinforcer
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Phi phenomenon
an instance where meaning is present in perception, but not in the elements that make up the sensory signal
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after evidence empirical evidence
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different parts of the human skull correspond to mental faculties
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subduing something by force
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rationalise unacceptable event
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Reaction formation
person acts in opposite way to real urge
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primarily the focus of religion and faith-based approaches
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Sexual selection
process of same-sex competition and female mate preference
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internalised values/morals/ideals of society
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channelling undesirable sexual or aggressive behaviour into socially acceptable behaviours
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concerned with the ‘mind’, theoretically driven
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the process of giving rewards for successive and better approximation of the behaviour that is desired
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elements occurring at the same time are seen as belonging together
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Telograph key
presented participant with stimuli, press key when recognised
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Trial and error learning
trying alternative possibilities until corrected/ desired solution achieved
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Unconditioned stimulus
stimulus elicits a reflexive response in the absence of learning
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Unconditioned response
unlearned response that occurs naturally in reaction to UCS
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Uniform connectedness
a connected region of visual properties is perceived as single unit
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
a neutral stimulus that is consistently followed by a UCR will become a CR
Card 3
knowledge and values at the time
Card 4
certain behaviours must develop in a certain time frame
Card 5
archetypes form ethnic or racial groups that are socially (or genetically) passed on
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