Historical Revision 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationHistorical studiesA2/A-levelOCR Created by: louisaheathcoteCreated on: 05-01-16 12:02 Popular Recreation time period 1700-1800 1 of 23 Rational Recreation time period 1850-1950 2 of 23 Characteristics of popular recreation Natural, Local, Simple, Violent, Occasional, Wagering, Fuedal System 3 of 23 Illiteracy not able to read or write 4 of 23 Pedestrianism Footmen employed as messengers or as competitive runners 5 of 23 Mob football characteristics Local, Violent, Simple, Occasional, Force not skill, Wagering 6 of 23 Real Tennis Complex, Facilities, Upper Class, Skillfull, Non-Violent, Travel 7 of 23 Wagering Rags to Riches 8 of 23 Characteristics of public school Fee-paying, Spartan, Gentry, Endowed, Expanding, Boarding, Controlled by Trustees, Boys 9 of 23 Claredon Commision Established in 1861 to investigate the state of 9 schools in England, due to complaints about the finances, buildings and management of Eton College 10 of 23 Athleticism Combination of physical endeavour with mortal integrity 11 of 23 What delayed athleticism in girls schools? Tradition, Anxiety of clothing, Status of women in society, Medical concerns, physical inferiority 12 of 23 How were games spread through British Empire? Politicians, Army, Teachers, Priests, Community Members, Parents, Industrialists 13 of 23 Who was Dr Thomas Arnold? 1828-1842 at Rugby School, Born in 1795, ordained clergy man and doctor of divinity 14 of 23 What is Muscular Christianity? Combination of godliness and manliness - the belief in having a strong and fit body to match a robust and healthy soul 15 of 23 Why no lawm tennis for boys in Public Schools? Freedom for women and health - no facilities 16 of 23 What are the social factors influencing rational recreation? Time, Class, Gender, Church 17 of 23 What is the Wash House Act 1846? An Act was passed to encourage local authorities to build public baths and washhouses. 18 of 23 What is the Public Health Act in 1848? Encouraged local Boards of Health to be set up to appoint a Medical Officer, provide sewers, inspect lodging houses and check food which was sold 19 of 23 What are National Governing Bodies? Self-appointed organisations that govern their sports through the common consent of their sport. 20 of 23 What is professionalism? Take part for money 21 of 23 What is the university melting pot? (so they grew during this stage in schools)/different games were taken to Oxbridge where they mixed and became standardised version of game/s 22 of 23 What is the public school metling pot? Mixing of games and traditions from a variety of areas - system of play 23 of 23
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