Historical Quiz The hardest history quiz ever mate 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryanyGCSENone Created by: noddymateCreated on: 21-01-14 10:09 What year did WW2 end? 1945 1 of 8 What does IRA stand for? Irish Repulican Army 2 of 8 What does PLO stand for? Palestine Liberation Organiztion 3 of 8 When did WW2 start? 1939 4 of 8 What year was Abraham Lincoln executed? 1865 5 of 8 What is terrorism? A unlawful act of violence 6 of 8 What is immigration? When people migrate from one country to another 7 of 8 Why did people migrate to Britain after WW2? For employment 8 of 8
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