History 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia 1905-1941IGCSENone Created by: Chiara-IreneCreated on: 28-04-22 16:03 what was the focus of the first 5 year plan? Agriculture 1 of 19 what was Agriculture meant to be transformed into to? Industry 2 of 19 What were collective farms called? Kolkhoz 3 of 19 What did individuals of the Kolkhoz have to fufill? quotas 4 of 19 Who enforced discipline? Labour brigades 5 of 19 what were state experimental farms called? sovkhoz 6 of 19 who replaced the Cheka? ogpu 7 of 19 How many people did the famine kill? 5 to 15 million people 8 of 19 How many people abandoned the kolkhoz in 1930 9 million 9 of 19 what was the focus of the second five year plan? Industry 10 of 19 what was instituted to control the economy in the second five year plan? Gosplan 11 of 19 when was the first five year plan completed? 1932 12 of 19 what was the focus of the second five year plan shifted to? communications 13 of 19 what club was formed from a model worker in 1935? stakhanovite 14 of 19 What were the gulags? Russian concentration camps 15 of 19 what was the focus of the third five year plan? redress the acute housing issue 16 of 19 This plan was prematurely terminated by what? world war 2 17 of 19 by ww2 russia was a... strong industrial nation 18 of 19 who did stalin ''copy'' in terms of his methods? lenin 19 of 19
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