History (British Empire) Chapter 3 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryThe British Empire and the fall of colonialismA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Lowey16Created on: 20-03-19 09:27 What economic system did Britain use in the first half of the 19th Century? Protectionist 1 of 40 What was this replaced by? Free Trade 2 of 40 If states didn't open up to British trade, what did Britain do? Threaten, coercion and the Navy 3 of 40 Give an example where Britain imposed free trade by force. China, Opium Wars 4 of 40 Which colonies did worst out of free trade? Dependent Colonies 5 of 40 Between 1880 and 1914 what % of British overseas investment went to the Empire? 25% 6 of 40 Between 1887 and 1913 what % of total overseas investment went to Africa/India/Dominions? 6% / 10% / 22% 7 of 40 In the third quarter of the 19th Century what % of British imports came from their colonies? 20% 8 of 40 What % of British exports went to Empire during the same period? 1/3 9 of 40 What technological improvements were made which helped growth in trade? Railways, steamships, underwater cables, telegraph lines 10 of 40 Why did the British government change its attitudes towards chartered companies in the 1870s? Great Depression, challenges from Europe and America to economic dominance 11 of 40 In what year did the North Borneo Trading Company receive a charter? 1881 12 of 40 What goods did it trade in? Coal, iron, copper, tobacco and coffee 13 of 40 Why else was Borneo important for the Empire? Strategic site for Britain in the South China Sea, midpoint between India and Hong Kong 14 of 40 Who was the leader of the Royal Niger Company? George Goldie 15 of 40 What was the main product of this company? Palm Oil 16 of 40 When did it receive its charter? 1886 17 of 40 What was the name of the company which operated in East Africa? Imperial British East Africa Company 18 of 40 Who was the leader of this company? William McKinnon 19 of 40 When did it receive its charter? 1888 20 of 40 What was the name of the company in South Africa? South Africa Company 21 of 40 Who was the leader? Cecil Rhodes 22 of 40 In what did Rhodes make his money? Diamonds 23 of 40 When did he receive a charter? 1888 24 of 40 What was the name of the company in India? East India Company 25 of 40 What country in East Africa was taken due to pressure from the East Africa Company? Uganda 26 of 40 When did Rhodes become prime minister of the Cape Colony? 1890 27 of 40 What three things were said to have made up infrastructure of British Colonial trade? Shipping, railways, canals/rivers 28 of 40 What type of ship was initially used? Clippers 29 of 40 What was the disadvantage of these ships? Short life expectancy of 20 years 30 of 40 What ship was used for heavy goods? Steamship 31 of 40 In what ways did trains help British imperial expansion? Transport goods, troops 32 of 40 What canal was built in Canada in 1867? Welland Canal 33 of 40 What were the products of trade and commerce? Agriculture, mining and industry 34 of 40 What name was given to the Indians who worked in West Indies? Coolies 35 of 40 Name a product that Britain exported from tropical Africa. Sugar, coffee, cocoa, groundnuts, copra, palm oil 36 of 40 Name a product mined in Africa? Diamonds, gold, copper 37 of 40 In what year was gold discovered in the Witwatersrand? 1886 38 of 40 In what other country was gold discovered in? Australia, New Zealand 39 of 40 When was the Imperial Federation League formed? 1884 40 of 40
AQA A2 History Unit 3M (HIS3M) - The Making of Modern Britain, 1951-2007 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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